Sunday, February 15, 2009

Greater Good is always flowing....are you in it?

Do you believe your life is unfolding toward an ever greater fulfillment, greater joy, health, love, prosperity? That your greater good is always flowing into your experience? Take that a step further, are you allowing this to occur? Or are you trying to change what is? Two very different states, and where do you think most people are? let's take the current economic situation. The government is rather clumsily attempting to "Stimulate" the economy with a $800 billion bill. Most people are saving money and have cut back spending for fear of the economy getting worse. Financial pundits are telling us to pay off debt and save money. Now what does the economy need to rev up? Money spent, not saved......but the over riding sentiment is things are going to get worse before they get better.....which perpetuates the fear of spending and the "need" for saving.

Does that over riding sentiment of things are going to get worse before they get better.........sound anything close to the belief that "Your greater good is always flowing into your experience"? or that "Life is unfolding toward an ever greater fulfillment, greater joy, better health, love and prosperity"? So what do you suppose would happen if for one week, 50%, or even just 25% of the population, actually operated from the intention that "My greater good is always flowing into my experience"? That when they saw a doom and gloom report, they took the stance, "okay, whatever!! glad that's not my experience". Well, what would happen is that the economy would get a shot in the arm like never before.........Don't think so? Try it, just for a week, and if it's hard to be in the right state of mind.........when you catch yourself holding back from spending.......ask yourself this question "What bad thing will happen from me spending this money"? Not what bad thing could happen or will happen after I spend it......"what bad thing will happen from me spending this money"? The answer will always be, "nothing" as long as you are operating from the belief and knowing that "My greater good is always flowing into my experience".

Now, the key about this concept is that we have to embody this is as our reality. One of my favorite teachers says, "Practice is not about manifestation, it's about alignment", and that is the's about aligning ourselves with the experience we desire. So, what does "my greater good is always flowing into my experience" feel like for you........get into that feeling and rest there for a bit, How freaking Good is that? Hello!!

NOW LISTEN!!! this is important!! When something presents itself, and it will, that seems to be contrary with that intention.........DO NOT jump into alignment with that experience by asking "What the hell?", that's not my greater good!!!................that's contradicting your intention!!! Just observe it and don't place a value on it..........Your greater good will flow to you in myriad different ways, and knowing that as you reside in that feeling (you know that Freaking good feeling!) is flowing to you, it will, it is!!! It can't not flow to you........unless you ask "Where's my stuff", which then creates you being in a state of lack of your stuff!!!

I'm doing it next week, when I order my new Harley Davidson Street Glide........adding to my stable of Harley's.........Yeah baby!!!! Which made me realize I need a bigger Garage,,,,,,there's that greater good flowing to me again!!! Holy Cow!!!! Better start House hunting!

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