Saturday, February 21, 2009

Know Thyself, The True Self......The I AM

I was talking with a dear friend the other day and she asked me, "How do you know when you are in touch with your True Self?  I mean, how do you know the difference between your ego or personality and your True Self?"  My reply without hesitation was "Alignment"!!!  When you are aligned or in resonance with the essence of You, the "I Am-ness" from which we all came, You know it.

She looked at me like she had heard me say that 25 times before (which she had) and said "yeah, but how do you know "it" when you know it.  My reply didn't help her in "Knowing it", but we did experience a change in both of us during that moment that did help her.  I said, "It is different for everyone, and it is beyond what words can describe.  I think it was Lao Tzu that said, and I'm paraphrasing, "the Tao that can be told, is not the eternal Tao."  The eternalness or divine-ness that is the essence of us, or as I prefer it, the "I Am-ness" can't be told, it can only be experienced, and good thing too......!

The experience of change we were having........and I asked her "Do you feel where we are moving to?"  and she nodded yes.   I said the dialogue that we are having is being allowed, its not contrived or strategic in just flows.   For instance, the thought of the four noble truths from Buddhism came to my mind at the right time, and made perfect sense to her.
1.  Anything is possible.
2.  You can't make anything happen.
3.  You can allow anything to happen.
4.  If you allow it to happen in order to make it happen, it won't happen.
(which by the way, is why so many people that "use" the Law of Attraction are frustrated when what they wanted to create is not showing know those "where is my stuff" people)

So, how is it that you know you are allowing?  How is it that you "know your True Self"?  You feel it.  If your in the middle of something, and the thought comes to mind, "am I aligned with my True Self?"  the answer is always right there.......How do you feel?  If you feel light, joyous, strong, empowered, loving, compassionate, grateful or just positive in are more aligned than not aligned.  On the other end of the spectrum, if you feel like you are frustrated, or struggling, or that what you are doing is difficult or anything other than light and are out of alignment.  

Now, there are several keys to this.  The first is, you need to be able to stop and observe where you are at in the middle of something.  This can be very difficult for people.  But, as you practice this, it becomes very easy and very powerful.  So, an easy way to start, is to do this, be very deliberate and however you organize your day, set aside an activity, any could be grocery shopping, or having lunch.......but use that activity to practice observing where you are mentally during that activity.  (You will see what David Bohm meant when he said, We think we are having our thoughts, but most of the time our thoughts are having us)  You want to just observe, don't judge the actual thoughts, don't try to stop them, you just want to observe.  Observe your thoughts...... are they open and curious, or judging in nature? Are they compassionate or possessing? 

The second Key is, observe from your heart, not your head.  Your intellect has nothing to do with this process, it's a feeling process.  To the Divine or "I Am-ness", intellect is a non-issue.  The "I Am" is omni-sentient, omni-powerful, omni-knowing.  So get out of your head and into your heart.......That is what "If you do not go within, you go without" means.

Okay, so now I am going to close and let you be with this thought process........when you get to the point that you are observing your thoughts, where are you?  Are you in your body, or is your body in you?  Are you in the room your body is in, or is the room your body is in, in you.  Are you in the world you know as your world, or is the world in You?  

I like this, next I'll look at becoming the Self You want to be and what that can mean.

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