Sunday, May 4, 2008

"We lie in the lap of immense intelligence"

Ralph Waldo Emerson got it......I Love this quote of his, "the sense of being which in calm hours arises, we know not how, in the not diverse from things, from space, from light, from time, from man, but is one with them and proceeds obviously from the same is the fountain of action and thought......we lie in the lap of immense intelligence."

The sense of being in calm hours arises.......which to me is when we transcend materialism, or object know, get past the personal self, the ego self.......and tap into the True Self that has always been.  

Is not diverse from things....but is one with them and proceeds obviously from the same source.....Yeah, we are all connected.....not diverse from things, space, light, time and man.....yet we are steeped in this illusion of separatism, or as Deepak Chopra calls it a "superstition" of materialism........the idea that your body, your career, your bank account, your accomplishments are who you are..........what happens when all that goes away?  Where are you?  

Here is the fountain of action and thought.........when you are coming from your True Self, your thoughts and actions are derived from truth, not illusion......not the superstition of materialism.  So what does that mean.......well you are contributing to growth and expansion of the Universe...not economic growth.......but whole growth, eternal growth........your thoughts and actions are not a deliberate act, they just flow.......this is when the Universe seems to conspire on your behalf.......because that is exactly what it is doing!!!

Don't think so?  Think about it, when you are conceived, all you are is a double strand of DNA.  Literally a speck of intelligence and information that becomes 70 trillion cells that orchestrate themselves into a full functioning human being.......all 70 trillion cells functioning simultaneously!!!  This operating of your body is not a deliberate might be smart, but your not that fast!!!  So if all your cells are functioning simultaneously without fail or confusion and its not a result of your's really not a stretch to think that the Universe, or the Source of all that is, is in fact conspiring on your behalf.......right?

Well yeah, that's nature, that's can't stop that, what do I have to do with that?  Well, for most people.....we interfere with it!!!!  Where do you think disease comes from?  Do you really think Source would create the human body, which is a pretty amazing organism, to have it fall apart or self destruct within even 80 years?  100 years?.......Come on!!!  Oh, blame it on genetics!!!  Nope, that won't work, 95% of the human population is genetically sound......the only answer is YOU!!!  You interfere with a divine creation........but why?  That's easy, to remember who and what you really are.

"The sense of Being" with all that is, not separate......ONE with allowing the innate intelligence and creativity of the Universe to flow through you!!!.......This innate intelligence is spontaneous, it's not contrived........all you can do is allow it, and when you do you experience the true essence of what you and I just know, you can't describe it......and things just fall into place seemingly out of nowhere (now here). 

Be, Do or Have anything that you you believe that or do you know that........belief in hope is much different than belief in makes it very difficult to Know that you can Be, Do or Have anything you want when your core belief is that you are separate from your source...........What belief do you think people are coming from when they ask "When do I get my stuff?"..........Be the change you want to see in the world!!!!.........Re-create yourself every moment of everyday!!!!  You can, you know!!!  

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