Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hey dumb ass, I'm talking to you!!! Redux

I just realized I have not had that thought in some time. I used to affectionately call my self "dumb ass" when I realized my true self was trying to tell me something but I wasn't listening. I'm going with the theory that I listen to my true self so much that I don't have the opportunity to use that phrase anymore.

Do you ever think about the meaning behind your words or thoughts? I do, and I strive to be as deliberate as I can about my thoughts, words, and actions as well as the intent behind them. How important is this? Here is a real life example.

At my office, another company has been hiring some of our entry level managers and paying them fairly significantly more than they were making with us. I have walked up on a number of conversations that revolved around maybe our company will make adjustments to our salaries as a result of the recent "jumping ship" for more money. I usually tell them not to worry about that happening, but ask how they are doing in earning their monthly incentive bonus, and generally, the answer is "I haven't made any the last few months" or "not much lately". The meaning behind the commentary of these managers is that "I should be paid more, but I don't have control over what I am paid" or some variation on that theme.

If we get what we are, and we do, what are those managers? They are managers that get what they are "given" rather than managers that earn what they are worth by delivering on their potential. And how limiting is that belief? Very. So what if they changed their belief to be something like "I'm a talented developer of people and the people I am responsible for deliver high performance as a result of my development"? If they truly believed that, their actions would be congruent with the belief and their people would deliver high results and the incentives they earned would be higher. Sound simple? It is simple.

I have a group of newly hired employees that just finished training this week. I make it a point to be very involved in new hire training and Thursday I covered the incentive plan for this class once they begin their job after training. The first question I asked them was "why do you want to know about the incentive plan?", and the response was "so we know how we can make more money". This was my reply "Good, I'll tell you how you can make more money and then I'll tell you about the incentive plan".

Essentially I told the class for the next 90 days not to look at their statistical results, i told them to not even look at reports. The reason for this is I want them focused on the process of their work, learning and building confidence in interacting with their customers because that is what will impact their incentive earning. The numbers or statistics are the residual effect of the work they perform, exactly as the "current" experience you are having is the result of the thoughts and feelings you had sometime previous to "Now". Make sense?

So if this approach of focusing on the process results in better performance in your work, and it does, then is it much of a stretch to think that it might work with your thoughts? No it is not!! When you are deliberate in your thoughts and the resulting feelings, your experience will be in line with what you want because you were deliberate in creating the "You" that is resonant with your desires. I reincarnate myself at least several times a day by doing this. Literally, I reincarnate the version of me that will create my desires, just by aligning my thoughts with my "True Self"

I make no bones about the fact at I do not manage by numbers. And I work in a results oriented environment, where everything is measured. I actually had one of my managers tell me not to say "I don't manage by numbers" because it makes people feel uneasy. He actually told me that. He went on to say, "keep doing what your doing, your delivering great results, just don't talk that way in meetings". Well, I get way to much enjoyment out of communicating what I do to stop talking "that way" in meetings.

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